The research activity of the group is dedicated to the identification and characterization of new biologically active compounds. The inter-disciplinary approach is the driving force of the research activity which is focused on the design, synthesis and analysis of new focused compound libraries and on the preparation and characterization of chiral compounds. The group has prepared more than 1000 molecules (both natural and synthetic compounds) with drug-like properties. The biological investigations are carried out with several international collaborations.
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Our laboratory is located at the Department of Drug Science of the University of Pavia
Find out the material for our Journal Club (for lab members only)
Recent Activities
- Dr Roberta Listro wins the ACS prize for the best poster Elements for Future, SCI 2024
- 4th MMCS: Harnessing the Power of New Drug Modalities Part of the Molecules Medicinal Chemistry Symposium series
- 52°Congresso nazionale della società italiana di microbiologia, SIM 2024
- EFMC-ACSMEDI Medicinal Chemistry Frontiers 2024, Utrecht, Netherland
- Martina Garbagnoli and Roberta Listro win best Oral and Poster awards at P. Ehrlich MedChem 2024
- NBFC Events 2024
- New LsrK ligands as AI-2 Quorum Sensing Interfering Compounds Against Biofilm Formation
- Biophysical Assays for Investigating Modulators of Macromolecular Complexes: An OverviewContinuous-Flow Technology for Chemical Rearrangements: A Powerful Tool to Generate Pharmaceutically Relevant Compounds
- A Green Heck Reaction Protocol towards Trisubstituted Alkenes, Versatile Pharmaceutical Intermediates.
- Effects of Growing Areas, Pruning Wound Protection Products, and Phenological Stage on the Stilbene Composition of Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) Canes